Commission robe s, Rooster Teeth - Ruby Rose

Commission robe s, Rooster Teeth - Ruby Rose

Je ne pouvais pas être plus heureux avec la façon dont la robe et mes amis avaient l'air. <3 With our group cosplays coming along for PAX, my Ruby, Minji didn't have enough time to make Ruby's dress since she was on vacation in Cali and didn't have access to a sewing machine. Since I was still working on Yang at the time I didn't finish her until about a week before the con. I was running behind schedule at this point. OTL;; Luckily I was able to beast through this dress.

Commission robe s, Rooster Teeth - Ruby Rose

Salut, je me demandais si vous pouviez me lier le motif (ou quelque chose de similaire) à ce que vous avez utilisé pour Ruby? Il semble parfait!

Commission robe s, Rooster Teeth - Ruby Rose

Malheureusement, je me suis fait le modèle et déjà mis au rebut il. < Weirdly enough I didn't see many patterns that were close enough to Ruby's dress. Depending how experienced you are with sewing and all I think the best thing is to make her skirt part yourself using this tutorial: Then to give it gathers I made the waist part bigger by doubling the size of the waist (example: 24in waist x 2 = 48) For her bodice I would try looking around at some bodice patterns at your local fabric store, you never know what you could find in the sale bin! Sorry I couldn't be of better help. Good luck!

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